DCS-NEWS DCS: AJS-37 Viggen by Heatblur Simulations


One of the biggest, most difficult, and most important features of our AJS-37 Viggen simulation, has been the creation of a custom, physically accurate and performant ground mapping and targeting radar. Developing this technology has been a challenge for us, as finding the right balance between image fidelity, quality and CPU/GPU performance is quite tricky.

We'll spare you most of the technical details, but we managed to develop a combined, CPU/GPU based solution that has virtually 0 impact on game performance, regardless of your radar range setting.
This has been a really great breakthrough for us, as we can now continue to develop our technology, and even apply it in non-ground mapping radars, such as the F-14.
As you all know, a skilled operator could make all the difference in reading the raw radar scope of the F-14-- and we want to make sure that that is accurately represented.

It's really the same in the Viggen, and almost every major/important system in the aircraft has some relation to the PS-37/A radar.
In order to become a proficient Viggen pilot, you’ll have to learn to read the radar screen (which is actually not quite that easy!) - and then apply the information gathered to your flying and navigation.

Enjoy some quick screenshots and descriptions below- we’ll certainly dive deeper into the radar before release as there is a lot to cover!
Expect to do a lot of reading in the manual too. :) :pilotfly:

In this first set of images, we are tracking a convoy of ships, located almost directly in front of us. These are large, cargo ships and cruisers, so their radar return is fairly hefty.

For the PS-37/A, we've implemented a basic RCS simulation for all ship classes.
This means that bigger ships will appear more prominently on the radar screen.
However, something like ship direction has an almost equally large impact on how much radar energy is returned. Direction, speed, radar settings, and ship class, will all combine to determine how prominent a radar return actually is.

In the first image, the convoy of ships are traveling perpendicular to our Viggen.
In the second, we're approaching the group from the rear. Note the difference in radar return strength.


Here is a similar example, of two Admiral Kuznetsov carriers, placed next to eachother.
The one on the left is facing almost perpedincular to our Viggen, while the right one is facing towards us.
Of course, the difference in RCS is more noticeable with smaller vessels.

We've also spent some time implementing realistic jamming patterns and filters. Larger classes of ships and other units are capable of jamming.

A number of filters are used to try and filter the data, and to improve the readability of the image. Here is an example of three ships jamming our Viggen.

Of course, one of the main purposes of the Viggen ground radar, is to actually map the terrain!
Terrain mapping is achieved by real raycasts, and reflection strength is dependent on the reflection material.
Meaning, concrete, grass, forest, rivers and other bodies of water are well contrasted and represented on the radar screen.

Ground vehicles will be visible, however mostly so when they are bunched together. Don't expect something akin to an F-15E ground mapping radar. :)

Here is a quick example of a river and a few fields/forests, as well as the Anapa area. There is a destroyer off the coast in the second image.

One of the more useful features of the ground mapping radar, is the Terrain Avoidance mode.

The terrain avoidance mode is designed to allow flight at low altitudes in poor visibility. On engaging the mode, the radar antennae will be set to 0 degrees relative to the horizn, and the antennae beam will be narrow in altitude. This results in the radar only displaying radar returns at the same altitude as the aircraft.

In this first image... I'm about to die...

In these two images, you can see the difference between the regular mapping mode (note the clear areas, due to radar beam occlusion) -- and the terrain avoidance mode, which gives us a much clearer image of where we are, and what the heck we're supposed to do.

There's a lot more to show than this-- as the radar is very closely integrated with various weapons systems, navigation, landing markers, and all that fun stuff! So stay tuned! :)

Don't forget to tune in later today for the MIG-21 / F-5 / AJS-37 LIVE grudgematch on twitch at the link below!

The AJS-37 Viggen will be making its' live combat debut. Hope to see you there!

Many thanks for your support!



Con questo mandiamo in pensione gli A10C.... ahhahahahahaahah
Scorpion ha scritto:
Con questo mandiamo in pensione gli A10C.... ahhahahahahaahah

Seeeeee come no! Solo l'F18 attualmente potrebbe mandarlo in pensione e sinceramente non ne sono comunque così convinto  [:panach11]

Resta però un velivolo molto interessante  :eek:hyes:
Giusto per divertimento,
A quanto pare c'è un Easter Egg nel AJS-37:
Chuck's anche con questo aereo, ci viene incontro e ci regala questa magnifica guida rapida!!!
[:headbang] [:headbang] [:headbang]

Già detto Santo Subito? :cool:
Vi segnalo questi due utili documenti per chi lo stesse studiando:

Checklist e quick reference

Numeri magici per il ck37 :D
Trovato un altro link fighissimo

In pratica in base al suono dell'rwr potete capire il tipo di minaccia  :palincul:
qualcosa mi dice che vi state appassionando al Viggen  [:panach11]
Il viggen è vecchio ma utile, a mio avviso.
utilissimo... :LOL:
Tanto per fare un po' di pubblicità al buon Viggen, ho fatto questo video dove tento il famigerato 'atterraggio di traverso su Beslan' di Viking (va beh non è Beslan) proprio sfruttando le capacità uniche del Viggen come aereo STOL (ha il reverse engine oltre ad un carrello capace di sopportare forti velocità verticali).

Il Viggen ha caratteristiche molto peculiari, è STOL ma è un aereo d'attacco che arriva a 1500 km/h (e in genere si attaccano i bersagli fra gli 0.8 e i 0.9 mach) con belle performance anche a basse velocità grazie alla sua particolare conformazione.
Ha armamento antinavale (fino a 60 km di gittata), con possibilità di programmare i wp dei missili.
Ha dei maverik vecchiotti ma li ha.
Radar di terra sia per migliorare la navigazione che per la ricerca di bersagli (oltre che per il classico aiuto al tiro).
Capacità di usare i 'missili' cluster, cioè sono dei pod che partono dall'aereo e si guidano da soli verso il bersaglio rilasciando poi ie bombe. Considerate che si lanciano fino a 0.9 mach da 50 metri...
Missili a guida radio da quasi 10km di range, che grazie a un flare dietro il missile puoi guidarli a vista.

A livello di sistemi di bordo è molto semplice ma non funziona come tutti gli altri aerei a cui siamo abituati. In genere ha pochi indicatori/commutatori e vengono riutilizzati in modi diversi, per esempio l'indicatore di velocità di rotazione raggiunta è anche l'indicatore di range per le bombe :D, per cui l'unica cosa davvero difficile è capire in che situazione ti trovi per comprendere che sta succedendo.

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Alto Basso